Riders: MB and Bill
Miles: 42
Bill and I fueled up ourselves and the sleds at P&H early and got out on the trails. I was hoping for better conditions today since we got some flurries last night but it wasn't enough. There was lots of ski chatter from the icy conditions just under a light layer of fluffy snow. We didn't ride very far today because of the ice and thin cover. It isn't worth it when you think of the cost of new skis or the wear and tear on the track.
We did run into the law at the parking lot off of 232 but we had already gotten our safety check the week before so we were able to quickly get back to our ride.
The forecast is promising some snow for the coming week but Bill has to work next weekend so we won't be able to ride again until the following week. I hope the snow sticks around until we can get back up north.
Mother Nature, more snow PLEASE!